Credits and Grades

You are responsible for attending class and completing all course work as assigned. All projects, assignments, and tests should be submitted or taken on their scheduled dates. Make-up assignments and proctored tests are only permitted with instructor consent for emergency or another valid cause. Any homework or test(s) outstanding after the assigned due date could result in a lesser grade or the issuance of No Credit ("NC") as a final grade for the course.

You can view your final grades by logging into the Student Portal. Click on "My Enrollment History" where you can see your final grades under the "completed" course tab.

If you wish to appeal your final grade, first please reach out to the Instructor in writing as soon as grades are posted in your PaCE student account to discuss your grading concerns. If there is no resolution, you can file a written notice with the registrar at UCSB Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) within 30 days of the date final grades are posted in your PaCE student account. The letter to the registrar should indicate the nature of the dispute and include appropriate supporting documentation, your name, student ID number, and signature. Please send your notice to

The "I" (or Incomplete) Grade

The "I" (or incomplete) grade is assigned when you notify the instructor that you cannot attend the last one or two class sessions, must miss the final exam, or are requesting an extension for turning in the final project or paper. You are responsible for negotiating this arrangement with the instructor in advance. Note that in order to receive an "I" you must have a passing grade currently in the course.

You will have three months from the ending date of the course to complete the course work before the grade will convert to an "F," "NP," or "NC" (depending on the course number). Receiving an "I" does not entitle you to be able to attend any portion of the respective course without paying the course fee the next time it is offered.

Professional Credit Courses (X1 to X199)

When you are enrolled for credit in X1 to X199 numbered courses, you will be assigned one of the following grades: A, B, C, D, F, P, NP, or I.

* Work evaluated as "C-" or less is not considered passing in a X1 to X199 numbered course when you have selected the passed/not passed grading option. Work evaluated as D- and above is considered passing when you have selected the letter grading option.

Professional Credit Courses (X300 to X499)

When you are enrolled in X300 or X400 numbered courses, you will be assigned one of the following grades: A, B, C, D, P, NC, or I.

* If you do not earn the equivalent of a "D" or better grade in X300 or X400 numbered courses, an "NC" grade is assigned instead of an "F" and no units are awarded. The "NC" designation carries no penalty, but does require that you retake the course and earn a letter grade of "C" or better in order to earn credit toward a certificate. Some Programs require B- or better to earn credit toward a certificate so please check the specific certificate requirements listed in each Program.

Noncredit Courses (X800 to X899)

Courses numbered X800 to X899 are noncredit courses that do not carry unit values and are not graded. Most X800 numbered UCSB PaCE courses are CEUs (Continuing Education Units).