BCBA Average Salary

Employers typically require their applied behavior analysis (ABA) professionals to:
1. Graduate from accredited applied behavior analysis programs (MEd degree)
2. Pass the national Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) exam

While the BCBA average salary is $56,730, nationally, about one-third of Board Certified Behavior Analysts receive salaries above $75,000 per year. Some in high-demand areas make more than $145,000 per year.

BCaBA Average Salary

Since BCaBA is a certification that is available to people in many professions, it can be hard to nail down a definitive salary. An average salary for a BCaBA is around $45,000 each year and these salaries are for those primarily employed in educational and scientific jobs. Generally speaking, with a BCaBA you can expect to make a little more than someone in the same job that isn’t certified.

There are other fields that pay more but require more education and experience as well. For example, psychologists and sociologists, professions that are among those whose members hold BCaBA credentials, make around $80,000.