To create your account, visit the Elsevier Evolve website.

  1. After you create an account, go to the "Catalog" tab in the upper right-hand corner.

  2. Scroll down to "HESI Secured Exams" and click the subtab "Register for Distance Testing."

  3. On the next page, click on the blue register button for the 'HESI Registration, 1st Edition.'
  4. The page will refresh and show a "my cart" page. At the bottom of the page, click on 'Proceed to Checkout/Redeem.'
  5. The page will refresh again. You will see the "my cart" page with a blue 'submit' button at the bottom.
  6. The page will refresh again, and you will see the following "You are now registered for a student HESI account. You can access your log in credentials by clicking My Account and selecting Account Settings. When you return to My Evolve, you will see a HESI Assessment section in your Content List. Click the link for "Student Access to get started."
  7. Either click the "My Evolve" hyperlink or select the "My Evolve" tab in the upper-hand corner.
  8. You should now see underneath the "My Other Products" tab, "HESI Assessment Student Access." Click on the hyperlinked Student Access.
  9. The page will refresh to a new page that says "ELSEVIER HESI Assessment" at the top.
  10. Scroll down until you see the box "Distance Testing Registration" and click on the hyperlinked sub-tab "Register for a Distance Testing Exam."
  11. A box will pop up that states, "Register For A Distance Testing Exam," with some of the information already populated.
  12. In the box for Dept. ID*, please input the Department Code 203064 and click on the box that states, "My Evolve profile is the same as it appears on my government issued Photo ID". When you click on the box, the Dept. Name and Exam information should auto-populate.
  13. Once you verify that the information is correct, you will click on the blue submit button.
  14. A box will pop up stating that your request is being processed and how you will sign up for the exam via Prometric. Please note that it can take up to 5 to 7 business days for the Prometric code to be sent to your email.


Receiving your Elsevier Eligibility ID

You will receive your Eligibility ID from Elsevier within 5 to 7 business days from the receipt of your eligibility request. Add the following email address to your email’s safe sender list to avoid delays: If you do not see the notification, check your spam folder.

Only after you have completed this step will you be permitted to schedule a date and time to take the exam at your preferred Prometric testing center.