Employer/Agency-Paid Payments

Employers or agencies that are providing funding for students to attend professional and continuing education classes must submit a purchase order (one per student per course) or other appropriate authorization to bill for fees along with a completed enrollment form. Both the purchase order and enrollment form must be submitted at least one week prior to the first meeting of the course. Without receipt for payment of the course or an enrollment verification card, you are prohibited from attending classes. In order to secure space in the requested classes, it is recommended that these documents be submitted as soon as possible once the decision to provide funding has been made.

Submit your purchase order to:
UCSB Division of Professional and Continuing Education (Attn. Student Services)
Mail Code 1110
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-1110

UCSB faculty and staff who want to recharge course fees to their campus department need to fill out a Financial Journal. Please contact our financial department for further assistance. Do not attend class until the required paperwork has been submitted to the Division of Professional and Continuing Education. For further information, call (805) 893-4200.