Welcome to your course! Before your first day, please complete the following:
- WATCH - Fundamentals of Lab Safety videos
- WATCH - QSF Lab Safety Walkthrough video
- COMPLETE - Cleanroom Lab Safety Quiz
- READ - QSF Policy, Guidelines, and Chemical Hygiene Plan
- READ - QSF User Policy
- COMPLETE - Waiver of Liability
- COMPLETE - Waiver of Photo Release
- COMPLETE - Central Coast Partnership on micro/nano technology form
- SEND - Art Wafer image
- Choose an image (this can be anything from a photo of yourself or a pet, to a logo or general stock image)
- Image specifications: square, at least 300dpi, highest contrast; an un-cropped image would work best.
- Save the file as your: 'FirstName_LastName' (jpeg, or png only)
- Email your photo as an attachment to: Art_Waf.dwhgh6rrqgle12ex@u.box.com
Logistics and other course information:
The course will take place in Elings Hall. You can purchase parking permits from the kiosks in Structure 10:
Maps Links: Google Maps / Apple Maps
Permits are registered by your license plate, so please have your license plate number ready to input at the kiosk:
- In Coastal Access spaces, you can pay for 4 hours, and if necessary, add an additional 1, 2, 3 or 4 hours. So, there is an option to add time if needed.
- On the very top floor of Lot 10, visitors can purchase a 'VIP Permit,' which is 10$ for the day.
- You can go to the TPS office and purchase a bulk-day pass to pay in advance if you would like.
Parking at UCSB is the individual's responsibility. If you have any parking-specific questions, please direct them to tps-sales@ucsb.edu.
- closed-toed shoes only (no sandals etc.)
- Long pants (no shorts/dresses)
- no makeup or jewelry
Please follow directions here to establish wifi connection when on campus.
To see the best parking and location of the course, please review this campus map.
To see the best parking and location of the course, please review this campus map.
To review the daily class schedule, please go here.